NALA: Learning through serviceAug 24, 2016 In addition to educational classes our NALA students develop through service learning as well. Recently, NALA students travelled to Jena, AL to construct a deck for family in need. Jena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALNALA SchoolJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALNALANALANALANALAYOD 13 at NALA
In addition to educational classes our NALA students develop through service learning as well. Recently, NALA students travelled to Jena, AL to construct a deck for family in need. Jena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALNALA SchoolJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALJena, ALNALANALANALANALAYOD 13 at NALA